Steelcon 2021 Canceled

Tl;dr: Probably no con this year.

The longer version:

By this point in the year we usually have all the sponsors booked, the majority of the cash in, and a lot of it back out again paying for goody bags, badges, shirts and putting deposits on things. This year, none of that is done.

With all the uncertainty, sponsors were interested, but reluctant to commit, we were also reluctant to accept any money, because if we spent it and then had to cancel we would have to replace it somehow.

Our venues were also not sure what was going on and if they would be open or not. Hallam has to commit to it’s students first and so even if they were allowed to open they may not have been able to accept us. Imagine having everything in place then not having anywhere to put everyone.

Other cons have moved online and have done a very good job in doing it. We could have followed, but as we’ve said before, we are an in-person event and while we could do something big and flashy online, it isn’t our style.

So, at this present time, the event is not happening, but we may review this closer to July, and if we think we can put something small on we will see what we can do. If something is going to happen, we will make a big noise about it, you won’t miss it. No promises though.



01 - 11 Jul 2021


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Europe 2021,


Sheffield, UK
Sheffield, UK
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